Denver Workers’ Compensation Benefits Lawyer

Work injuries can cause physical and financial pain, but employees in Colorado can reduce their financial burden by collecting workers’ compensation benefits. Sometimes, these claims move through the system smoothly, but at other times, disabled workers face roadblocks, causing delays in benefits or claim denials. 

To put yourself in the best position for a successful claim outcome, connect with a Denver workers’ compensation lawyer from Kaplan Morrell as soon as possible after sustaining a work injury or discovering a work-related medical condition. Our Denver law firm will explain your options during your initial consultation.

denver workers compensation benefits lawyer

Our award-winning Denver workers’ compensation team is ready to fight for you

We specialize in Colorado workers’ compensation cases. We fight for workers injured here, even those who no longer live in the state. With over 20 years of service and more than 50 years of combined experience, we are well-equipped to protect the rights of injured and disabled workers, helping them get the benefits they are owed.

During this difficult time, our team works to make your partnership with us as efficient and productive as possible. You can meet with us in person, via video chat, or by phone. Once your case is in our hands, we will handle the legalities, negotiations, and any challenges with your workers’ compensation claim so you can put your energy into recovery. 

Our clients trust us to handle their Denver workers’ compensation issues, and you can too

Our team of experienced attorneys will work hard to get you the benefits you deserve, and we will treat you with respect throughout the process. Here are some recent testimonials.

“I highly recommend Kaplan Morrell and their teams to handle anyone’s work-related injury case.”
“Kaplan Morrell is aggressive to the opposition but doesn’t pressure us to take any settlement.”
“Their team gave 100% to my case and gave special attention to me. I feel so much better because I have financial security again.”
“They were different from any other attorneys I had encountered. Kaplan Morrell went above and beyond the call of duty by taking the time to truly listen to me and care about what was going on in my life. They would comfort me and spend time talking to me, not just on a professional level but on a human level.”

Your Denver workers’ comp benefits lawyer from Kaplan Morrell fights to secure what you deserve

All Colorado employers are legally required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect their injured workers, with limited exceptions. Colorado workers who sustain an on-the-job injury or develop a work-related illness or condition are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits covering medical costs and partial wages for work missed during recovery time. 

You do not have to manage your workers’ compensation claim alone if you are hurt or develop a job-related condition. It is your right, and in your best interest, to get help from an experienced Denver workers’ compensation benefits attorney. While your claim may seem straightforward, employers and workers’ comp insurance companies don’t always agree. 

We push back when they try to deny your work injury is valid

They may hold you responsible for your injury, saying you were engaging in “horseplay” or acting irresponsibly. Sometimes, they prefer to reduce or deny paying full benefits. Your attorney fully understands Colorado workers’ compensation laws and the claims process and is prepared to take on any disputes leveled by your employer, the insurance company, or even medical personnel. 

You may need to undergo an evaluation by a medical examiner your employer selects. While these exams are supposed to be “independent,” sometimes examiners have biases against you. Often, employer-designated doctors do routine work for insurers and view your injuries from an insurance company’s perspective rather than as a patient advocate. This bias is not always present, but our team will challenge it if it appears in your case.

We manage your Denver workers’ comp claim for the best possible outcome

You can trust our team to address the unique elements of your case and develop an individual strategy for success. That said, most cases require similar, general responses and actions. You can expect your attorney to:

  • Review your situation thoroughly: This careful review shows the specific factors affecting your case, helping us develop an approach to secure every benefit you are entitled to under Colorado law.
  • Investigate the accident leading to your injuries or illness: Strong claims are built on solid evidence. We will pursue all available evidence sources, speaking to witnesses, consulting with medical and other relevant experts, and looking into your workplace’s safety protocols and standards.
  • File your claim correctly: Workers who file without an attorney’s help often leave out crucial information or make errors. Even minor mistakes can result in a delay or denial of benefits.
  • Offer sound advice: Workers who file claims face scrutiny. We will help you make wise decisions about what to do or not do–including on social media–so you can avoid accusations of malingering or other roadblocks
  • Help with medical care: While we can’t treat your medical condition, we can fight to help you get the medication, rehabilitation therapies, or other treatments you need
  • Protect your rights: Employers cannot punish workers for seeking workers’ comp benefits. You should never be intimidated into returning to work before you are healthy. We will take on that battle if you experience any of these tactics.

Above all, we keep the workers’ comp process understandable. Colorado offers extensive information for injured workers in its Injured Workers Guide. While a great resource, the comprehensive information can be overwhelming–especially for those in a vulnerable physical and emotional state. A Denver workers’ compensation benefits lawyer can simplify the information for you–telling you what you need to know when you need to know it–and will respond to any questions you need answered.

Our worker’s comp attorneys have managed every kind of Denver workplace injury and illness

Work injuries or illnesses take various forms, and regardless of your condition, Kaplan Morrell can handle your case. Wherever you work, you have the right to a safe workplace.

According to research from the National Library of Medicine (NLH), occupational injuries or illnesses most often involve the hands, eyes, spine, head, lungs, skeleton, and skin. The research also recognizes the spectrum of causes for workplace injuries, citing hazards such as:

  • Aerosols, fumes, and gasses
  • Blood-borne pathogens
  • Hazardous chemicals
  • Loud noises
  • Radiation
  • Repetitive motion tasks
  • Insect or animal bites
  • Temperature extremes

Some occupations carry increased risk, such as construction jobs. These workers often operate in high places, use powerful electrical equipment or other heavy machinery, and are exposed to chemicals and other dangerous substances. However, all workers, even those working in office buildings, can develop a workplace injury or illness. Some occupational diseases come from breathing in mold or repetitive motions that, over time, cause wear and tear on the body.

Take action to protect and strengthen your Denver workplace injury claim

Your first step should be to get medical attention for your injury. If someone witnesses your workplace accident, ask them to write down what they saw since their testimony could be valuable. Take pictures of the scene of the accident and your injuries. 

After you have been treated, the next action is to report your work injury. How and when you report can make a major difference to the outcome of your claim. If you fall on a slippery floor at work and it hurts, but you think you’ll improve, report the injury anyway, in writing. If your conditions do not improve and you need to seek workers’ comp, your employer cannot deny your report if the insurance company questions your timing.

According to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), you need to report your injury within 10 days to avoid the possibility of compromising your benefits. We encourage you to report immediately, but even if you don’t report your injury until later, talk to us to see how we can help.

Denver workers’ comp benefits can substantially aid your recovery

Injured workers are concerned not only about their recovery but also about their financial stability. Your workers’ compensation benefits are in place to relieve financial stress and these are the key elements you should understand:

  • Lost wages are paid through “Temporary Total” (TTD) or “Temporary Partial” (TPD) Disability benefits once you have missed three work shifts
  • TTD comprises a payment of two-thirds of your weekly average wages every two weeks and is only available if your doctor takes you off work completely
  • TPD are payments received if you can work but not at full earning capacity and make up the difference of your lost wages
  • Medical coverage is available for your medical treatment and transportation to doctor, surgical, and therapy appointments

If you reach maximum medical improvement (MMI) but are still disabled, you may receive permanent disability benefits depending on your final rating by the company physician. These benefits are difficult to obtain, but your Kaplan Morrell workers’ comp attorney in Denver will fight fiercely to secure them when you qualify.

Kaplan Morrell lawyers answer your Denver workers’ compensation questions

Can surviving family members collect workers’ comp benefits if their loved one is killed on the job?

If a worker leaves behind “dependents” (spouses and children are “presumed” dependents, though others supported by the workers could have a claim), those dependents are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, and Kaplan Morrell will work to secure them. 

Should I give a recorded statement to the insurance company after my injury?

No. You are not legally required to give a statement, but providing one could hurt your case. You may not understand the question or have an honest answer misinterpreted by the insurance company. Speak with a Denver workers’ compensation benefits lawyer before offering any official statements to insurance companies.

Can I file for workers’ compensation if I’m injured while working from home?

Recently, the number of employees working from home has increased significantly. You can seek workers’ compensation benefits if your injury occurred during your workday. Work-from-home cases carry particular challenges, but Kaplan Morrell can help.

What if I’m injured at work and my employer does not carry workers’ compensation insurance?

Your employer can face fines for lack of compliance, but those fines won’t help you. Speak with a Denver workers’ compensation attorney from Kaplan Morrell to discuss your options. You may be able to sue your employer in civil court for negligence. You may still be able to seek benefits through Colorado’s workers’ compensation system. 

Helpful information for injured workers in Colorado

Kaplan Morrell Attorneys at Law

  • By phone: (303) 780-7329
  • In person at the Denver office: 2373 Central Park Blvd, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80238
  • Via email:

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment 

Visit the website for comprehensive information on Colorado’s workers’ compensation system, or call (303) 318-8000 or visit in person at the office location:

633 17th Street, Suite 201
Denver, CO  80202-3660

The Pinnacol Foundation

A financial financial resource for children of those who die of work-related injuries or illness.