The Colorado workers’ compensation offers a way of protecting both employers and employees from costs emanating from work-related injuries and illnesses. Denver workers’ compensation attorneys have been assisting employees with filing and claiming workers’ compensation benefits in Colorado for a long time.  Workers’ Compensation Lawyers follow a specific set of rules and guidelines to help their clients get the money they are due.

Injured employees in Colorado are usually entitled to workers’ compensation. Any person who is hired to perform a job in return for monetary compensation is eligible for workers’ compensation if injured on the job. However, not all employees are covered under the workers’ compensation act in Colorado. If you are not sure whether you are covered for workers’ compensation, a workers’ compensation lawyers can best help you determine your eligibility and what kind of benefits you may be entitled to.

So who’s usually covered and who’s not when it comes to Colorado’s Workers’ Compensation system? The following is just a partial list of jobs whose employees are most often, not covered by workers’ compensation:

  • Maintenance or repair workers who make under $2,000 per year
  • Workers who offer part-time maintenance, domestic or repair work for private homeowners
  • Commission-based licensed brokers and real estate agents
  • Independent for-hire contractors performing transport jobs
  • Lease-based drivers under contract
  • Volunteers for ski operators
  • Any person providing host home services
  • Federal employees
  • Railroad employees
  • Independent contractors

Workers’ Compensation Coverage For Minors?

Workers’ Compensation Laws differ from state to state and will have different sets of rules and regulations that cover different sets of employees.  It’ important to note that workers’ compensation in every state provides for minors who are employed, whether legally or even illegally. In fact, for some states, the workers’ compensation act provides double compensation for any minor who is illegally employed and sustains any work-related injury. So though the workers’ compensation act may be different from state to state, it will still cover all employed minors.

If you are having trouble with your workers’ compensation case or would like help with obtaining your benefits after being injured on the job, our Denver workers’ compensation attorneys can help.  We will do everything we can to get you the maximum workers’ compensation you deserve. 

Contact our workers’ compensation attorneys here for a free consultation or call us at 303-780-7329.