Reporting A Work Injury

Reporting A Work Injury

Reporting A Work Injury – One of the most critical times of an injury is when you report it to your employer. It is crucial. Depending on how, when, or if you do it at all, it can affect your entire case. Reporting a work injury can dictate whether or not an...
What Is Average Weekly Wage?

What Is Average Weekly Wage?

What Is Average Weekly Wage? – In Workers’ Compensation a lot of your benefits, particularly the money benefits, depend upon what your average weekly wage is. The more money you make when you are injured, the more money you will be compensated in general. One of...
I Finished My Work Injury Treatment, Now What?

I Finished My Work Injury Treatment, Now What?

I Finished My Work Injury Treatment, Now What? – In previous blogs, we’ve addressed Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI), which is the moment when doctors consider there’s no more medical treatment that can make you improve your condition any further. Nonetheless,...