Jan 6, 2020 | En Español, Responsabilidad
Accidente de trabajo anterior y se vuelve a lastimar en el trabajo Hola, soy un abogado y soy mexicano. Como muchos de ustedes vine a vivir a Colorado. En nuestro bufete de abogados le ayudamos a la gente con lesiones laborales y obviamente muchos de mis clientes...
Dec 18, 2019 | Compensability
Are You Covered Under Workers’ Compensation When Injured Off-the-Clock? Workers’ compensation claims can be quite complicated. With the changing weather in December, it has us at Kaplan Morrell thinking about when and where work injuries might occur. Here...
Nov 20, 2019 | Compensability
Injured at a Holiday Party – Being compensated for an injury sustained at work is one thing, but what happens if you get injured during your company holiday party or family picnic? Would you be covered under workers’ compensation? The answer is…only if...
Oct 22, 2019 | En Español, Errores, Mitos y Banderas Rojas
Marihuana y Accidentes de Trabajo Nosotros en Kaplan Morrell somos abogados de accidentes de trabajo, en Colorado. Hoy hablaremos de un aspecto de Colorado que mucha gente conoce, y es que aquí es legal fumar y usar marihuana. Ha sido legal por motivos médicos desde...
Sep 30, 2019 | WC & Other Laws
How does Colorado law handle injuries that happen during an employee’s coffee break? What Happens if You Get Injured During a Coffee Break? Since you’re not actively working at the time, is your injury still covered under workers’ compensation? The answer is YES...