Jun 17, 2019 | Claims Process
What happens if your employer says you never reported the injury? What can you do if your Employer denies you reported an on-the-job injury? Do you have proof that you told your employer about the injury?… As Colorado workers’ compensation attorneys, we...
May 22, 2019 | WC & Other Laws
Final Admission of Liability – In a majority of workers’ compensation cases, when the injured worker is placed at maximum medical improvement and given an impairment rating between zero and a hundred, the carrier files something that’s called a final...
Apr 24, 2019 | WC & Other Laws
I am often asked, “Why do injured workers need attorneys? What are the instances when somebody needs an attorney?” There are four major reasons why people come to speak to either myself, Britton or Ronda. They want to be educated on the system – I...
Feb 20, 2019 | WC & Other Laws
W-2s, 1099s, and other tax documents will begin to arrive in mailboxes across the state as the time to file income tax returns in Colorado nears. At Kaplan Morrell Law, we often receive an influx of questions around this time of year. One frequently asked...