Dec 11, 2018 | Medical Benefits, WC & Other Laws
When submitting a claim for Workman’s compensation the first appointment with your doctor is the most important one of all. So much gets determined there, and what gets said and not said at that visit can affect the entire claim. Be specific. If you’re not...
Nov 20, 2018 | WC & Other Laws
Social Media and Workers’ Compensation – Well, good morning. Today, I wanted to talk with you briefly about what happens if you’re injured and you are on social media. That particular topic came into full focus this week with a client of mine and a...
Mar 20, 2018 | Claims Process
In some cases, getting compensated in the aftermath of an injury might not be as easy as you initially anticipated. In the vast majority of circumstances, workplace injuries are covered by employers with worker’s compensation insurance. This doesn’t mean your claim...
Mar 1, 2018 | Medical Benefits
IWP is an organization that focuses on delivering medicinals at the homes of injuries individuals. This is not exactly like your average mail-order pharmacy, as IWP’s service is particularly geared towards people who have experienced recent injuries. Read on to learn...