Mar 13, 2015 | WC & Other Laws
Taxes and Your Disability Benefits Part III – Many people who work with Denver disability lawyers and Denver disability attorneys end up receiving Social Security Disability (or SSDI) benefits. Social Security Disability benefits are usually awarded to...
Mar 11, 2015 | WC & Other Laws
Taxes and Your Disability Benefits Part II – Supplemental Security Benefits (SSI) are often a point of confusion for individuals filing taxes. This point of confusion, fought against by disability attorneys, is often conflated by the Social Security...
Mar 9, 2015 | WC & Other Laws
Taxes and Your Disability Benefits Part I – With April quickly approaching, every responsible adult is worried about what to do about his or her taxes. While most of the tax filing process is much simpler than we are led to believe, there are certain...
Mar 6, 2015 | WC & Other Laws
Many states contain exceptions for workers’ compensation injuries sustained during recreational activities. For example, the company softball tournament where the star pitcher receives a black eye. Athletic events, parties, and picnics often contain exclusions from...
Mar 4, 2015 | WC & Other Laws
Denver, Colorado resolves about 78% of all hit and run cases that occur in Colorado. Denver disability lawyers and law enforcement alike rely heavily on a social media program that allows passers-by to report and react to a hit-and-run. In fact, the program is so...