Dec 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
There are 3 things that an insurance company has to prove when they accuse an injured worker of violating a safety rule after a work injury. Learn more about safety rules and workers’ compensation from Denver Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Michael Kaplan. If...
Nov 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
When people think of dangerous jobs, the ones that come to mind are those of miners or construction workers – not nursing home workers. But the truth is nursing home work causes more injuries than construction or mining. In a 2012 US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)...
Oct 31, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
Denver Workers’ Compensation Laws: Police Officers Working as a police officer comes with its own daily stresses, and the chances of a potentially lethal encounter looms over each officer as they do their rounds. Though caution is always exercised,...
Sep 22, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
Workers’ Compensation provides medical care, lost wages, and other benefits to compensate employees who sustain injuries on the job. What happens if you decide to quit your job after your work injury in Colorado without consulting with a lawyer? The answer is...
Aug 22, 2014 | Claims Process
Getting injured and being unable to work can be traumatic and expensive for you. It can get worse if your claim is questioned – or worse – you accused of making a false claim. Although workers’ compensation fraud is rare, and often is just as often done by the...