Aug 22, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
A very common question people have is: Can I draw Social Security disability benefits and still work? The answer is yes, within certain limits. If you work full time and/or make $1040 gross per month in 2013 then regardless of the severity of your disability, Social...
Aug 22, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
In 2012 2.82 million Americans applied for Social Security Disability benefits a 4% decrease from 2011 according to Social Security’s Office of the Chief Actuary. SSA approved about 980,000 claims, the lowest number since at least 1998. This decrease in the number of...
Aug 22, 2014 | Uncategorized
We are all familiar with the cost of doing things, but sometimes it is difficult to appreciate the very real cost of not doing something. Several of my clients tell me that the adjuster had attempted to persuade them from talking with an attorney saying, “Why give...
Aug 22, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
Half Had To Fight For Their Benefits In 2011, over 28,000 workers’ compensation cases were settled and closed in Colorado. Each one of these parties received an exit survey regarding their case and the results are in. As of July 2010, all insurers are required...
Aug 22, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
When we talk with injured workers, we find that they are often confused about who is who and who is doing what. The law requires your employer to purchase insurance for its employees who are injured on the job. This is called workers’ compensation insurance....