Independent Medical Exam to fight the Company Doctor

Independent Medical Exam to fight the Company Doctor

Independent Medical Exam to fight the Company Doctor – A lot of times we have clients who say they went to see the company doctor, but they still feel bad, and the doctors are telling them that there’s nothing else they can do for them. They know they’re not as...
Permanent Partial Disability

Permanent Partial Disability

Permanent Partial Disability – When you’re placed at Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI), one of the benefits you’re entitled to is called Permanent Partial Disability or Impairment Rating, and it’s theoretically designed to compensate you for your future wage...
Workers Comp: STD & LTD

Workers Comp: STD & LTD

Workers Comp: STD & LTD – Some injured workers have personal short-term or long-term disability policies (or both). Today we’re going to be answering when and if you should try to get wage loss under Workers’ Compensation AND access your short or long-term...
Why is my work injury claim denied?

Why is my work injury claim denied?

Why is my work injury claim denied? – There’s a weird category of denials which involve certain things that you do, even if you’re doing them on the job, that are not covered under Workers’ Compensation. Why is my work injury claim denied? One of the weird...
¿Por qué negaron mi reclamo?

¿Por qué negaron mi reclamo?

¿Por qué negaron mi reclamo? – Hay varias razones por las que las compañías de seguros niegan los reclamos por beneficios. En el trabajo existen ciertas situaciones que no están cubiertas por Compensación al Trabajador. ¿Por qué negaron mi reclamo? Actividades...