Mar 12, 2020 | Medical Benefits
Can Workers Compensation Pay My Family Member for Taking Care of Me While in Treatment? I recently received this question from a client who was recovering from surgery: Can workers compensation pay my family member for taking care of me while in treatment? The only...
Feb 18, 2020 | En Español, Proceso de Reclamo
QUE COSAS DEBES DECIRLE A SU ABOGADO CON RESPECTO A SU CASO DE UNA LESIÓN EN EL TRABAJO? Nuestro Bufete Jurídico Kaplan Morrell, abogado de accidentes del trabajo, da consejos para cinco cosas que usted debe decirle a su abogado. Kaplan Morrell es un abogado de...
Feb 7, 2020 | Employment Concerns
A question we get asked on a pretty regular basis is “can and/or should I quit my job and start a new one while on worker’s compensation?” The short answer is yes, but beware of the potential pitfalls along the way. If you’ve been injured on the job, but are...
Jan 29, 2020 | WC & Other Laws
5 Things Injured Workers Think Wouldn’t Affect Their Claim but Do – There are some confusing but significant aspects of a work injury that can affect your workers’ compensation claim and the benefits you receive. Here are five that we typically...
Jan 25, 2020 | Claims Process
What is a Final Admission of Liability – If you are injured on the job in Colorado, the most underrecognized, underperceived piece of paper you receive is the final admission of liability. A final admission of liability is used by an insurance carrier to close...
Jan 25, 2020 | En Español, Proceso de Reclamo
Hoy vamos a comenzar el año 2020 hablando sobre como podemos cerrar su caso sin su permiso, sin su firma, sin dinero y de la forma en la que usted debe defender sus derechos y sobre las opciones que usted tiene. Con el “Final Admission of Liability” Es...