Interest: The Most Overlooked WorkComp Benefit

Interest: The Most Overlooked WorkComp Benefit – If you’re entitled to lost wages, but the insurance company doesn’t pay it so you have to go to court and you win. However, the company appeals again and again, and after a couple of years, they finally pay you....

Work Injuries, Liens, and Taxes

Work Injuries, Liens, and Taxes – Who can go after your work injuries? Typically, injured workers get concerned because they don’t know if they have to pay taxes for what they received under Workers’ Compensation. Taxes In Colorado, your Workers’ Compensation...

Understanding the Disfigurement Benefit

Understanding the Disfigurement Benefit – The disfigurement benefit can cover a handful of different categories. It can be from scarring as a result of having surgery, a limp from having had an injury, swelling from one part of your body compared to the opposite...