Jan 23, 2015 | Claims Process
There are some facts in an alleged work related injury that will cause an insurance company to deny the claim for benefits. These are just a few things that should be kept in mind at the beginning of your claim. 1. Report The Injury Immediately First, report the...
Aug 22, 2014 | Claims Process
Getting injured and being unable to work can be traumatic and expensive for you. It can get worse if your claim is questioned – or worse – you accused of making a false claim. Although workers’ compensation fraud is rare, and often is just as often done by the...
Aug 21, 2014 | Claims Process
You may get a sense that the insurance company is denying your case. If so there are five critical things to do: 1. DO NOT give a recorded statement. You may not understand the questions, or you may use words that have one meaning in day-to-day conversation that...