May 19, 2022 | Employment Concerns, Medical Benefits
I am at MMI – Maximum Medical Improvement…what does that mean? – As experienced Workers’ Compensation attorneys at Kaplan Morrell, we understand the complexities and crucial milestones in your journey toward recovery after a workplace injury....
Mar 30, 2022 | Employment Concerns
Pain Scale and How Injured Workers Can Rate Their Pain – In a doctor’s appointment, an injured worker will be asked what’s their pain between 0 and 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain somebody can feel, but who knows what that means? The doctors...
Mar 24, 2022 | Employment Concerns
Independent Medical Exam to fight the Company Doctor – A lot of times we have clients who say they went to see the company doctor, but they still feel bad, and the doctors are telling them that there’s nothing else they can do for them. They know they’re not as...
Feb 9, 2022 | Employment Concerns
Why Claims get Denied! Injured during horseplay? – When you’re injured on the job you have to show basically 3 things. One, you have to show you have an injury, you need medical care and you can’t do your job anymore or you can’t do it as well as you used to....
Feb 2, 2022 | Employment Concerns
Warning! If your employer says this…. watch out! – There are things that employers tell injured workers, who may think it’s not a big deal depending on the situation, but they’re actually big red flags, because it usually means something weird is going on...
Jan 13, 2022 | Employment Concerns
When are Natural Disasters covered under WC? – In Colorado there’s something called Compensability, which means that if you sustain an injury on the job and you are entitled to compensation, then your injury is compensable, and that means that you’re entitled to...