Aug 21, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
Our clients sometimes ask, “Why is my workers’ compensation claim being denied?” There can be a lot of different reasons – but there is always a reason. Most often it is because the accident was not witnessed, or the injured workers has prior medical problems with...
Aug 21, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
It is not farfetched to think that the construction industry may very well be one of the most hazardous industries out there. Construction workers are confronted with unstable and incomplete infrastructure above their heads on a daily basis. In fact, we have recently...
Aug 21, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
Since 2000, it has been legal to use marijuana for medicinal purposes. In 2012 Colorado recently de-criminalized recreational marijuana drug use Another law, the Colorado Lawful Activities statute, prohibit employers from firing workers for lawful off-work activity. ...
Aug 21, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
An injury at work can be stressful, even more so when there are complications. For example, what happens if a Colorado worker is injured outside of the state? Does workers’ comp cover out of state incidents, or are they out of luck? If you’re injured outside of...
Aug 21, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
Colorado Workers’ Compensation covers all on-the-job injuries except….sexual harassment …. even if the worker and the harasser met through their employment. This summer, the Industrial Claims Appeals Panel upheld an Administrative Law Judge’s decision that...
Aug 21, 2014 | WC & Other Laws
Is it legal for an employer to fire you while you have an open workers’ compensation claim for missing work to go to doctor appointments? – As it always seems to be with lawyers, the answer is – it depends. One of the confusing things about the law is...