There are two kinds of injuries you can incur while working. The first one may develop for a prolonged period of time. Suppose you work at an office and you felt that your lower back has been killing you for some time now. You can’t tolerate the pain any longer. You have decided to finally consult a specialist. Upon your visit, you found out that the culprit is sitting at a non-ergonomic chair for hours. This disease did not occur overnight as it has been built up over the years.
Secondly, the injury may come to you in a snap. Accidents inevitably happen at manufacturing sites. If, heaven forbid, you have lost a finger due to work, you are most definitely entitled to a claim.
There is an extensive list of diseases that fall under this category. It is constantly updated to keep up with recent studies. What is crucial here is that you have to prove that there are no outside factors causing the disease other than work-related.
It is also site-specific. The injury has to occur at the workplace and/or the environment of the workplace is to be blamed for such harm. This means that breaking your leg while on vacation is NOT an occupational disease.
Some cases can be more complicated that the above-mentioned. A Denver workers’ compensation attorney can help you ascertain if your disease is occupational or not.
Related: Am I Eligible? Requirements for Workers’ Compensation Claims In Colorado
What is workers’ compensation?
By definition, workers’ compensation is the support you get from your employer if you have been injured while doing your job. You may have harmed yourself accidentally or your co-worker; it does not matter who caused the injury. Your employer is required by law to shoulder all pertinent medical bills. You should also expect to receive partial wage if you are temporarily disabled.
Many people are not familiar with workers’ compensation unless they are already in desperate situations. It is a serious issue that concerns your health and employment. Whether you work at the office or at the construction site, you should know more about it.
What is the process of claiming compensation?
It is your right to consult a Denver workers’ compensation lawyer, as there are many ways to go about the process. This is the typical turn of events.
- Time is of the essence. If you are physically and mentally capable, write a letter to your employer within 4 working days after the injury.
- You should expect your employer to suggest two physicians. Choose one. If you are not presented with any option, you are free to choose whomever physician you prefer. He or she will be called your ‘authorized treating physician.’
- Your employer will then file a claim to the insurance carrier 10 days upon the receipt of your letter. This is often called ‘employer’s first report of injury.’
- After the paperwork, expect your medical bills to be covered.
When your workers’ compensation claim is denied, you need a Denver workers’ compensation attorney on your side. For more than a decade, we have helped hundreds of injured workers throughout the Denver and Greeley areas get their workmans’ compensation claims approved and get the benefits they need to pay their bills, cover medical expenses and buy the items they need to live comfortably. Contact us today for a FREE consultation.