Top Ten Most Costly Work Injuries Of 2016

Jan 11, 2017 | Benefits

The Liberty Mutual Research Institute revealed 2016’s top ten causes of the most costly work injuries.

Here they are:

1. Overexertion involving outside sources. $13.79 Billion (Examples include lifting, pushing, pulling objects.)

2. Falls on the same level. $10.62 Billion (Slip and falls on slippery surfaces)

3. Falls to a lower level.  $5.50 Billion (Scaffold, ladder, stair falls)

4. Struck by Object or Equipment. $4.43 Billion

5. Other Exertions or Bodily Reactions. $6.5 Billion

6. Roadway incidents involving motorized vehicles.  $3.7 Billion

7.  Slip or trip without fall.  $3.8 Billion

8. Caught in/Compressed by Equipment or Objects. $1.95 Billion

9.  Struck against object or equipment.  $1.94 Billion

10. Repetitive Motions involving micro-tasks. $1.81 Billion.

Some work injuries cost more because of the nature of the injury.  Injuries requiring surgery will be more costly, not simply because of the medical care, but also because of the additional lost time during the recovery.  Injuries from lifting, in this study, may be more costly simply because those kinds of injuries are more common and numerous.  The injuries in this study included only those injuries where the employee missed six or more days of work.

When you’ve been injured on the job in Colorado, your primary concern is getting healed and back to your life. For the vast majority of injured workers that happens, but some workers sustain serious injuries that continue to interfere with their lives.  We’re here to help seriously injured works get the medical care and the Colorado Workers’ Comp benefits they deserve.  Don’t wonder, “What are my rights under Colorado Workers’ Compensation?”  Instead, call us and meet with an experienced Denver Workers’ Compensation attorney for a free consultation. Let us help with filing your Colorado Workers’ Comp claim- we can help get it approved.




Source:  http://imag /2017+WSI.pdf