Workers’ Compensation Case Review: Social Security Disability Checks can limit Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Apr 8, 2014 | Employment Concerns

Limits on workers’ compensation benefits take many forms.  One of them is a limit on how much wage loss benefits injured workers receive.  As of 2013, the most an injured worker can receive is $80,868.10 unless his or her impairment rating is 26% or higher.  This is called a statutory cap.

Unfortunately if that injured worker also receives Social Security Disability Benefits then a portion of those checks will be counted toward determining whether the injured worker has reached the statutory cap.

As always, how this or any other case we discuss in this blog would apply to your case depends on many more factors.  We urge you to call us to see if you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.  Workers’ Compensation is difficult, confusing, and very complex.  Kaplan Morrell has helped thousands of injured workers since 1997 get the benefits they deserve.   Contact us here or call us at 303-780-7329 for your FREE CONSULTATION.


Cite:  Grandestaff v. United Airlines, WC 4-717-644 (March 11, 2013).