Update: JBS Meat Packing Colorado Workers’ Compensation OSHA Fine

Jan 6, 2015 | WC & Other Laws

JBS Meat Packing Colorado Workers’ Compensation OSHA Fine – JBS, the meat-packing giant that was recently fined for the unsafe work conditions that resulted in the death of factory worker Ralph Horner, plans to contest OSHA’s citations related to this case. JBS USA Holdings filed that it will argue against the $45,500 fine for, among other things, the unguarded machinery the factory worker fell into earlier last year.

JBS Meat Packing Colorado Workers’ Compensation OSHA Fine

Cameron Bruett of JBS says Swift has committed to helping Ralph Horner’s family as a result of the tragedy. There will be a formal settlement hearing during which the company being held responsible will argue why it thinks the fine is excessive.

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The citations find flaws in JBS’s safety standards with which the company disagrees. JBS’s argument against OSHA’s findings will be heard by OSHA’s review commission at some time within the next month.

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Source: www.greeleytribune.com/news/14435543-113/jbs-osha-death-horner