Traveling To And From Work Injuries

Traveling to and from work Injuries – In general, injuries that occur while coming and going from work are injuries not covered under Workers’ Compensation. However, there are cases where the worker can demonstrate or prove a specific connection or a hazard that...

Are you getting better from your work injury?

Are you getting better from your work injury? – “Is the medical care helping you?” is a critical question you will be asked. This is important because the answer you give can determine what kind of medical care you will get, for how long, and how much you will...
What Does It Mean To Be Released Back To Work?

What Does It Mean To Be Released Back To Work?

What Does It Mean To Be Released Back To Work? – What happens when the doctor releases you back to work after you’ve been injured on the job? What does that mean? How do you know what your work restrictions are and how can they affect you? What are your...