Workers’ Compensation and OSHA

Workers’ Compensation and OSHA

Workers’ Compensation and OSHA -Many workers are understandably upset if an employer refuses to correct an unsafe worksite. It’s worse if you get injured because of it! What are your options if that happens? Today, we’ll talk about how Workers’...
Work Injuries and the ADA

Work Injuries and the ADA

Work injuries and The ADA – What worker’s compensation rights do you have when you’ve been injured on the job? Is there an obligation for the employer to accommodate you? What is the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) and how does it interplay...
Things that Happen at MMI Maintenance Care

Things that Happen at MMI Maintenance Care

Things that Happen at MMI Maintenance Care –  The doctors may tell you that you’re at MMI but you might still need medical care. We’ll discuss the two types of medical care and help you figure the next steps to take care of your work injury. Things that Happen...
Things that Happen at MMI: Impairment Ratings

Things that Happen at MMI: Impairment Ratings

Things that Happen at MMI: Impairment Ratings – When your doctor tells you “This is as good as it’s going to get” regarding your work injury, you’re considered at Maximum Medical Improvement. At that point you’re going to get an impairment rating, but what is...
MMI: Permanent Restrictions for Work Injuries

MMI: Permanent Restrictions for Work Injuries

MMI: Permanent Restrictions for Work Injuries – If you’re an injured worker at Maximum Medical Improvement, your doctor may assign you to permanent work restrictions. What options or rights do you have in workers’ compensation? How should you talk with the...