Injured Arm or Leg in a Colorado Work Injury

Injured Arm or Leg in a Colorado Work Injury

If you injured your arm or leg in a Colorado Work Injury…read this! Injured Arm or Leg in a Colorado Work Injury – If you have been injured on the job in Colorado and hurt your shoulder, hip, knee, or elbow, your doctor may do something called contralateral...
What Happens if You Get Injured Working at Home?

What Happens if You Get Injured Working at Home?

What happens if you get injured working at home? – With the growing number of people working from home due to COVID-19, we’ve been asked frequently, “What happens if you get injured while working at home?” What happens if you get injured working at home? Workers...
Worker’s Compensation and Pregnancy

Worker’s Compensation and Pregnancy

Worker’s Compensation and Pregnancy – If you are a worker who was injured on the job and pregnant, you might be concerned about how these combined conditions affect your worker’s compensation claim. Don’t let your rights be affected by your pregnancy, get...