Workers’ Compensation
Educational Articles & Videos
Workers’ Comp Resources We’ve Created for Our Clients
Life Care Planning: An essential component in your Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Workers' Compensation legal representation involves a great many moving parts, and if you are injured on the job in Colorado, a Greeley or Denver workers' compensation lawyer is invaluable. Your...
Key Differences Between Workers’ Compensation Benefits and Personal Injury Awards
People are often confused about workers' compensation benefits in Colorado. Many believe that recipients are paid in a manner similar to personal injury lawsuits. Others may understand that there is...
Seasonal Changes: Harvesting and Worker Safety
For many people, Fall means changing leaves, the last hikes of the season, and seasonal foods coming out taking advantage of the last real fruit season of the year. Fall for farmers means harvest...
Long Term Compensation and its Relationship to Workers’ Compensation
Let’s say you have a workers’ compensation claim in Colorado and your Denver workers’ compensation attorney has worked with you to get you as much help as possible. You’ve gone through the process...
Relief for Children of Injured Workers: The Pinnacol Foundation
Relief for Children of Injured Workers - Workplace injury affects all aspects of a person’s life. Denver disability lawyers and Denver disability attorneys certainly know how invasive workplace...
Oil Gauging: Dangerous Work and One Man’s Posthumous Benefits
Oil fields are hotbeds for dangerous work. Those workers who make their careers out of oilfield work are often well-compensated but, as workers’ compensation attorneys know, dangerous work means the...