Workers’ Compensation
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5 Workers’ Comp Mistakes Injured Workers Make
5 Workers' Comp Mistakes Injured Workers Make - Try as we might to prevent them, injuries happen. That’s why legislators, employers, and insurers have created the workers' compensation safety net:...
Fraccidents: Fracking Unsafe for Workers?
The natural gas extraction method called Hydraulic Fracturing or “fracking” has become more widely used over the past few years particularly here in Colorado. The process uses a high volume of...
Workers’ Compensation & The Americans’ with Disabilities Act
How Your Employment Rights combine with Workers’ Compensation: The Americans’ with Disabilities Act When people are injured on the job, there are a number of employment law issues that can come...
Factors Affecting Workers’ Compensation Benefits
There are several factors that affect the benefits that injured workers receive. While some factors are influenced by the parties involved, there are also several other factors that can affect the...
Pre-existing Conditions and Job Loss
From the AVVO website: “I have had ear problems my entire life. A fire alarm was tested at work, causing pain and ringing in my ears for days. I went to the ER and my regular MD and have been...
Can I Collect Unemployment While SS Appeal and WC Claims are Pending?
I have DDD and chronic pain at cervical and lumbar levels. I was terminated by my employer 6 months ago because I could not return to work full-time without restrictions. I have a pending WC claim,...