Advice on How to Testify

Advice on How to Testify -If you’re involved in a lawsuit, one of the procedures you will be involved in is a deposition, which is a question-and-answer session between you and the opposing attorney. Even though it might appear to be somewhat informal, it’s anything...

What Happens If You Die At Work?

What Happens If You Die At Work? – Typically for an injury, including fatality, to be covered under Workers’ Compensation, you have to show 3 things. First, you have to show that you are in the course and scope of your employment, meaning you are engaged in an...

Understanding the Disfigurement Benefit

Understanding the Disfigurement Benefit – The disfigurement benefit can cover a handful of different categories. It can be from scarring as a result of having surgery, a limp from having had an injury, swelling from one part of your body compared to the opposite...

Injured during a Coffee Break?

Injured during a Coffee Break? – Injuries during what is called a personal comfort moment like a coffee break throughout a work day, are considered part of employment hours. If you need to go outside for fresh air or stand up and walk around a bit, anything for...